On the Road Adventures

Saturday, June 13, 2009

13 June - Whitehorse

No adventures today. We are parked in front of the RV repair place and got to talk to the owner this morning when he stopped by the office for a minute. He's a nice guy, and confident that he'll have us back on the road quickly. I turned on the generator and ran the vacuum to get some of the talcum-powder fine Yukon dust out. My recommendation to anyone who faces this dust is to just start with the ceiling and work down. It gets into everything. Then I did a couple of loads of laundry. Gerry got to meet a local amateur radio operator who started talking to us on the radio.

The Tookers and Bob and Sharon got into town, and we all had a great dinner at Klondike Ribs and Salmon restaurant, and we're having an early night of it. We'll do more exploring tomorrow.

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