On the Road Adventures

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 Sept

Hi, honey, we’re home!

Or maybe to be more precise, we are at the home without wheels.  There are so many things to do when we switch houses:  Turn on the circuit breakers to fire the house up again (and don’t we love those $17 electric bills during the summer!)  Fix the faucet to the ice breaker which started squirting arterially just moments before we left, so we can turn the water back on to the house.  Close the refrigerator up and turn it back on to start chilling; make dozens of trips back and forth, up and down stairs, carrying all the stuff back into the current abode.  Check the irrigation system to find out why things in some spots are brown.  Do laundry, loads of laundry.  So much to do.

So, what did we accomplish on the afternoon of our arrival home?  Talked to the neighbors for an hour, flipped all the switches and turned the fridge back on, and then we checked off the next most important thing: we went to Loomis Chinese for a late lunch, early dinner.  What?  The first thing on your list isn’t a trip to the local Chinese restaurant?  Then obviously you don’t have one as good as Loomis Chinese.  We ate at a Chinese place in Gunnison a month ago, and thought it might be okay because all the locals were eating there, but then we decided that they just didn’t know any better. After that Gerry moved the DVR and satellite system back into the house and started the process of trying to figure out why the damn thing doesn’t work.  Every time we switch it from house to Cleo or back again, we go through this. 

 So, here we are at noon on the second day home and the water is on, the faucet is fixed, the breakfast foods have migrated into the house and the first load of laundry is washing.  There are many trips ahead of me, but it’s break time.  And the lunch meat and fixings are out in Cleo.  Guess we’ll take our luncheon out there.


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